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Lululemon Athletica

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Running head: LULULEMON ATHLETICA Lululemon Athletica Name of the Student Name of the Affiliate Institution Date LULULEMON ATHLETICA 2 Lululemon Athletica Question One The target customers for Lululemon are those individuals who are living a physically active life that strive to achieve balance. Thought most of its customers are female. This is a good target because a significant number of female have ventured into sports and other activities to keep their bodies fit. The customers must have disposable income since the clothes are offered at a higher price. Another quality of the target customers is that they are individuals between 15-65years. These are people who have the energy to do exercises. The company is able to satisfy a number of customers' needs and that is why they are willing to pay high prices for quality fashion items. One of the customers need is to increase sport participation. A number of women can now be able to participate in different kind of sports since they know where to get the right attire. Another need is to take athletics to another level. The company has been able to fulfill this need by offering a variety of attires that are of high quality. Apart from quality, the attires are also unique in the sports market. The company is able to use its competence to satisfy the needs of its customers. Lululemon has a unique culture that makes it different from the other competitors. There is a deeper understanding of the target customers and this makes ...
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