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Write A Narrative Essay Rev

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Diablo Valley College
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Running head: NARRATIVE ESSAY 1 How I managed to overcome obesity Name Institution NARRATIVE ESSAY 2 How I managed to overcome obesity One greatest challenge that I have managed to overcome in life is obesity and the possibility of other lifestyle condition. For quite some time, I have been abnormally fat, and when I went for medical assessments, the doctors told me that I was overweight. I weighed up to 110 kilograms, and this was alarming. There was fear in me and the rest of my family that I could quickly develop lifestyle diseases such as diabetes and high blood pressure, which are very common in individuals who are obese. My family was even more worried when they learned that my condition and other related diseases could easily lead to death and that most of my family members have lost their lives due to lifestyle diseases in the past. My grandfather, for example, died out of the cancer of the liver. The autopsy report delivered after he died revealed that this condition that eventually resulted in his death occurred because of excessive consumption of alcohol. Every member of my family agreed with the report because it was true that my grandfather was a chronic alcoholic who spent a better part of his day drunk. Although he was several warned of his binge drinking habit, he did not succeed in his attempts to stop the habit. Sometimes when he felt that people at home were highly pressurizing him to stop, he could resort to drinking in secret and lie to everyone tha ...
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