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Breast Condition.

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Running head: PRACTICUM EXPERIENCE 1 Journal Study Name Course Professor Date PRACTICUM EXPERIENCE 2 Journal Study During my practicum, I encountered a twenty-two years old, six-week postpartum woman seen for breast redness and pain. Her name was Sofia, and she was breastfeeding her first child without any difficulties. Her mother and husband are her sources of support. She delivered her baby well and denied having any other complaints or symptoms. Sofia mentioned that she uses Zyrtec to manage her environmental allergies. She has no history of methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus, and no one in her family has ever suffered from it. Sofia's physical examination revealed slight edema and erythema around her right nipple, which feels warm when touched. Her breast appeared engorged and was firm on palpation. She does not have any nipple discharge other than her breastmilk or a fever. However, her right side hurt every time she breastfeeds. Sofia was suffering from lactation mastitis, which normally occurs during breastfeeding. It can affect women who have been breastfeeding for less than six months. Symptoms of lactation mastitis include feeling very achy or run down, vom ...
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