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Francis Marion University
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Washington 1 Adriel Washington Dr. Smolen-Morton ENG 102 June 23, 2019 African American Colorism in Attending HBCUs Colorism has been a prevalent issue in Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs) due to the existence of light skinned African Americans. The difference in skin color in the colleges has led to inequality as the dark skinned Americans believe that the light skinned Americans have more capability to lead the colleges. The dark skinned Americans suffer from inferiority complex when they are put together with the light skinned Americans. HBCUs are excellent colleges which mold the African American students holistically as individuals however, their fame has been decreasing over the last couple of years. The colleges offer the students units that educate them on the Black culture which has to be protected. HBCUs have had to admit fewer students each year as most African Americans prefer attending the predominantly white institutions. Colorism still exists among the few students who attend HBCUs as they can be seen forming groups of people with the same skin tone. Due to the discrimination that some students face in HBCUs they may decide to attend predominantly white schools as at least they will interact with various students from different races. Despite the declining fame of HBCUs some African American students still prefer to attend the colleges as they offer the following privileges; the students desire to be completely surrounded by the African Amer ...
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