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Discussion Post Chapter 9 13

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Surname 1 Student’s Name Professor’s Name Course Date Discussion Post: Chapter 9-13 Money is considered to be the founding block, for anyone in pursuit of satisfaction. Once an individual is satisfied, their ego is bound to change from a humble context to an aggressive and authoritative one. However, once the abundance of wealth begins to diminish, human nature is bound to revert to primitive self. The hypocrisy of abundance, a term which captures the rise and fall of riches with regards to the ego, is an element that I noted in chapter 9 of Le, Guin’s publication, particularly in the context of Shevek’s embarrassment resulting from senseless binge drinking. An analysis of the given extract reveals that the transition from scarcity to riches is always defined by a change in character and the desire to maintain as well as uphold a certain image, a process that necessitates one to ...
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