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Understanding Target Markets

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Running head: UNDERSTANDING TARGET MARKETS Understanding Target Markets Institutional Affiliation Name Date UNDERSTANDING TARGET MARKETS 2 Understanding Target Markets Research Section Nestle S.A has occupied the position of the world’s largest food company since the year 2014 (Rowan, 2015; McGrath, 2016). However since the company has various product brands, that have an annual sale exceeding US$1.1 billion (Nestlé, 2014), it has different divisions that concentrate of each of the products. This paper sought to develop a marketing plan for Nescafé which is one of the company’s well perfuming products. Current Opportunities An analysis of the current opportunities that the company enjoys shows that the current economic situation is uptick allowing the company to attract more customers to spend on their products. The company can therefore attract new customers and increase their market share. Further the company has the opportunity to engage in tie ups with other corporations and expand their reach. They can also offer rural areas with cheaper packets increasing their reach further. The company has the opportunity to make use of new technology to differentiate them through pricing and acquire a loyal customer base. The company enjoys a stable cash flow which can enable them to venture into new markets. The current taxation system has the potential of impacting the way of doing business enabling the company to increase their profitability. Further the decrease experi ...
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