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Human Resource Scorecard Implementation

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Human Resource Scorecard Implementation Human Resource Scorecard  HR scorecard is a visual representation of the important measures of the HR department productivity, achievement as well as other important aspects of the organization. The factors that are included in the HR scorecard are cost, training, turnover, performance management, hiring, and alignment with the organizational goals. It helps the human resource manager to measure the efficacy of the HR activities and assist them to make an investment in the organizational structure. (Gardner & Wright, 2009) Example  For example, the strategic objective is to enhance employee productivity. The key performance indicators are revenue per employee and profit per employee. HR scorecard implementation plan  Leading the change  Shared need for change  Shaping a vision  Mobilizing commitment  Building enabling systems  Monitoring and demonstrating Leading the change  Establish a change champion  Demonstrates the commitment to make change  Spend time and effort to see if the change will be fruitful Shared need for change  Develop the mission, vision, and goals to understand the change  Make sure the employees understand the need for change  Frame short term and long term goals and objectives (Kotter, 2005) Shaping a vision  Demonstrate the change outcome by depicting the need and benefits of change  To understand how the change will have an impact on the stakehold ...
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