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Spider Monkeys And Lemurs

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De Anza College
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Running head: SPIDER MONKEYS AND LEMURS Spider Monkeys and Lemurs Name Institution Date 1 SPIDER MONKEYS AND LEMURS 2 Primate Description Unlike lemurs, spider monkeys inhabit tropical rainforests, mangrove forests and semideciduous forests. Spider monkeys seldom come to the ground because they are mostly arboreal. Spider monkeys have long but lanky arms and have gripping tails, which aids in their movement from one tree to the next (Arroyo-Rodríguez et al., 2017). Due to their diurnal nature, spider monkeys spend almost 80% of their time foraging and traveling. Lemurs are primates an order that includes monkeys, humans, and apes. Currently, there are 32 different types of lemurs, all of which are solely found in Madagascar and neighboring islands. They are nocturnal and arboreal. Lemurs are prosimians and bear distinct differences from spider monkeys; however, they lack prehensile tails. Spider monkeys (Ateles geoffroyi) need enough space to exhibit natural behaviors (Arroyo-Rodríguez et al., 2017). They need vertical spaces as they rarely come on the ground; they ought to be provided with adequate arboreal space. This enclosure rule applies to lemurs as well. Spider monkeys live in mixed groups of 30-70. Upon reaching sexual maturity, females disperse while male spider monkeys remain in natal groups. The sub-group size of spider monkeys varies according to the food patch size. Spider monkeys have an average lifespan of 22 years. They live in groups of 13-18 lemurs. ...
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