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Leadership Theory

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Running Head: LEADERSHIP THEORY 1 Leadership theory Name: Institutional Affiliation: Date: 2 LEADERSHIP THEORY Leadership theory A leadership role is not such an easy task. One is given all the responsibilities of managing or leading a given sector of an organization. The type of a leader one becomes then is characterized by the leadership’s theory that drives them. I am driven by the behavioral leadership theory. Behavioral theories concentrate on how pioneers carry on. For example, do pioneers/leaders direct what should be done and expect participation? Then again do they include their groups in basic leadership to energize acknowledgment and support? Absolutist pioneers settle on choices without counseling their groups. This style of authority is viewed as proper when choices should be made immediately, when there's no requirement for information, and when group understanding isn't important for an effective result (House, Javidan, Hanges & Dorfman, 2002). Popularity based pioneers permit the group to give include before settling on a choice, despite the fact that the level of information can shift from pioneer to pioneer. This style is essential when group understanding ...
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