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Eoo Compliance For Federal Contractors

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Aveda Institute Chicago
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EEO Compliance 1 EEO Compliance for Federal Contractors/ Subcontractors Name Affiliation EEO Compliance 2 EEO Compliance for Federal Contractors/ Subcontractors Background information Any organization awarded a federal business or subcontracted for the same, worth $10,000 or more, is expected by law under executive order 11246 to ensure non-discrimination of workers on the basis of color, sex, religion, a nation of origin, race, disability, or protected veterans. It is required to create and maintain an annual affirmative action plan that drives to ensure equal opportunities in all areas of employment. The US Department of labor, through its office of federal contract compliance programs (OFCCP), oversees the administration of order no 11246 and its protocols. It also serves to check against the discrimination of disabled qualified individuals as provided under section 503 of the rehabilitation act, 1973, as well as enforcing the requirements of the Vietnam Era Veterans’ Readjustment Assistance Act barring discrimination of protected veterans who are qualified. Contractors and subcontractors performing federal contracts are therefore subject to the above EEO requirements which they must comply with so as to ensure equity in their employment endeavors in recruitment, hiring, training, promotion, dismissal, and compensation of workers. Strict conformance to the EEO requirements is key to any business under federal contracts because the law will generally hold the employ ...
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