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Protecting Microsoft Windows Against Malware

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Computer Science
University of the Cumberlands
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Running head: PROTECTING WINDOWS AGAINST MALWARE Protecting Windows against Malware Institution Affiliation Date 1 PROTECTING WINDOWS AGAINST MALWARE 2 Introduction The advancement in technology has made humankind to heavily rely on computers in almost all of their day to day activities. Computers have vast uses where they have been used to make work more comfortable such as communication, operating machines and other equipment, and among other activities. However, the computer is not safe from criminal activities such that their application and reliability is a challenge in some instance (Aldwairi, Hasan, & Balbahaith, 2017). There are several methods that are used by criminals to introduce malware in the users' computers with different aims. On the other, there has been a lot of research where people have come up with many techniques to prevent damages that are caused by such malware. One of the most common consequences of the introduction of malware into a computer is the loss of date as well some confidential information landing on the wrong hands. This paper will discuss the methods used to infect a computer with malware and techniques or ways that can be applied to prevent the same. Types of Malware In this article, Malware Analysis and Mitigation in Information Preservation, the authors discuss different types of malware. This source is critical since it equips the reader with the knowledge of different kinds of malware. Such information is essential since it wil ...
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