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Running head: QUESTION 2 PATIENT HISTORY Question 2 Patient History Student’s Name Institutional Affiliation 1 QUESTION 2 PATIENT HISTORY 2 Question 2 Patient History Type of Murmur of Concern Normally, therapists appreciate heart sounds on the front chest even though some heart murmurs may radiate to the posterior chest. The murmur of concern in this scenario is mitral stenosis caused by mitral valve stenosis. Heart murmurs are normally most intense at the particular listening post but may often radiate to other listening posts or areas of the body. This can make it hard to distinguish if one murmur radiates to multiple areas or if there are multiple murmurs present. Therefore, one should beware whether the patient has an aortic insufficiency that can cause an Austin Flint murmur producing relative mitral stenosis (Foth & Zeltser, 2018). Austin flint disorder can link to grievous aortic regurgitation, which can have a grievous prognosis. Plan of Care Making a definitive diagnosis for this child is imperative and echocardiography, which is the gold standard for differentiating heart murmurs, can help confirm the diagnosis (Khalilian, Malekian, Aramesh, Dehdashtian, & Maryam ...
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