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Explain And Examine The Science Art Theory Development And Evaluation

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Saint Thomas University
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Running head: ART, SCIENCE, THEORY DEVELOPMENT AND EVALUATION Art, Science, Theory Development and Evaluation in Nursing Name Institution 1 ART, SCIENCE, THEORY DEVELOPMENT AND EVALUATION 2 Art, Science, Theory Development and Evaluation in Nursing Nursing is a science and art that involves caring for the sick and people with health conditions to help them either recover or live comfortably with their conditions. In the process of professional nursing, nurses find themselves applying developed theories and evaluation situations and knowledge. Therefore, while being able to care for patients should be the main role of nurses, playing the role may be very hard unless nurses understand the scientific, artistic, theoretical and evaluation concepts that affect their work. The scientific aspects of nursing involve the application of evidence-based knowledge to perform nursing roles, such as treating patients with drugs or caring. Nurses have to administer drugs that work on scientific principles. It is important that nurses understand how such drugs interact with body systems of people to help them. It is also important to make comparisons using available data and statistics to mak ...
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