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Critically Appraise A Reseach Report

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Saint Thomas University
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Running head: CRITICAL APPRAISAL 1 Critical Appraisal Name Institution CRITICAL APPRAISAL 2 Critical Appraisal Qualitative Research Qualitative research is an approach to research used in identifying and questioning indepth understanding and social phenomena. Primarily, qualitative research is characterized by non-numerical data. Non-numerical data is therefore used in understanding social issues and phenomena by acquiring the level of knowledge, opinions, and perceptions towards certain aspects of society. Furthermore, qualitative data is concerned with trends in opinions and thoughts. In nursing, it is mainly carried out in issues concerning population knowledge and awareness on different health issues. It may also be used in understanding perceptions and attitudes of a population towards a certain health issue or nursing interventions. Moreover, qualitative research may be carried out using different methods such as ethnography, phenomenology, and narrative approach. Ethnography includes the immersion of the researcher in a people’s environment to understand their experiences and opinions. The advantages of this approach include the ability to get accurate information. On the other hand, it is lengthy and may require a lot of resources. Secondly, phenomenology seeks to gather information from various sources to understand a certain phenomenon. The advantage of phenomenology is that it draws information from different sources and hence increases the accuracy of the ...
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