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George Mason University
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Surname 1 Name Instructor Course Date Summary and Response Edutainment with Videos and its Positive Effect on Long Term Memory The article “Edutainment with Videos and its Positive Effect on Long Term Memory,” by Steffes and Duverger (67) investigate how online content like YouTube videos have been used to reach students to capture their interest and attention thereby increasing the retention for academic content. Researchers are extending their study on existing research on the use of online videos in classes where they introduce the concept of long-term retention of the content. The researchers conducted two studies. First, a controlled experiment of 2x2 design was conducted using a random sample for the undergraduate scholars for both congruency and hedonic variables (Steffes, Erin M., and Philippe, 73). The second study was conducted five months after the first study was conducted. The same sample students were requested to record content that they learned from the first study. Their feedback was then used for evaluation of long-term memory recall of the sample students. It was found out that hedonic videos, which are congruent with the topic issue, were more effective in r ...
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Tags: disscussion Eng 1102 17 Assignment Summary and Response Assignment In this assignment you will research and summarize two articles on media violence one that you think your opponent would find most convincing and another that you person but it is important that you separate your summary from your response In other words you need to represent both articles fairly and neutrally before you respond to them Finally for this assignment you will practice intext citations signal phrases and create Works Cited page entries Suggested length three paragraphs of approximately 600 words total To do this assignment complete the following steps 1 Review the MLA Lesson offered earlier this week 2 Identify a likely opponent To do that go back to the list of imaginar or you may choose a different opponent 3 Use a database to locate an article on violence in media that represents a position of your opponent Follow for example Opposing Viewpoints in Context to locate the article 4 Summarize the article Remember that a summary needs to be objective so even though the article you are summarizing disagrees with your own opinion you still need to explain what it says in a neutral unbiased way Dont forget to include signal phrases Miley writes that or Macklin defends the view that to make it clear to readers that you are giving not your own You can download this worksheet to get you started and then develop your summary to 710 sentences For additional help with summary writi see pages 329331 in your textbook 5 Find an article that represents your own point of view on media violence and summarize it in a second welldevelope stay objective 6 In the third paragraph or do you find the argumentation structure evidence
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