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Transformative Essay Rev

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Last Name 1 Name Instructor Course Date Transformative Moment Every person has a transformative moment that he or she can account for in a certain part of their lifetime. A transformative moment is simply the moment that greatly changed one’s entire life or part of life (Dueck). This moment at many times usually comes once in a lifetime and it is upon the individuals to utilize it well in the event that they want a significant change in their future life. In my case, the transformative moment did not happen to me directed, however, I was part of it since I’m actually the one who initiated and facilitated it. This moment is when I changed the whole life of Roby, who was an orphan and a street person. When I was in my 8th grade, Roby lived in the streets with other street children, this is following the death of his parents in a road accident and this left him as a helpless orphan. He dropped school when he was in lower grades following his financial constraints, he was not a native of this country since he was from Haiti. The most shocking part is that he can barely trace his siblings since the demise of his parents. As I walked down the streets with my parents in the city, I ...
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