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Running head: Reforms to Change California Cash Bail Policy Reforms to Change California Cash Bail Policy by Kamala Harris Informative Speech Name Institution of affiliation Date 1 Reforms to Change California Cash Bail Policy 2 Informative Speech Title: Reforms to Change California Cash Bail Policy Thesis: Cash Bail Policy has attracted amendment proposals due to its ineffectiveness in the California State. Purpose: To provide you with Kamala Harris viewpoint on the reasons to abolish the cash bail system in California State. Introduction: Ideally, it might sound crazy to expose the negative implications posed by the current cash bail policy in the California State. The entire controversy circulating the cash bail system has a couple of weaknesses which neglect the rights and freedom of all citizens. Most of the criminals appearing in the criminal justice system will witness this issue in most of the California legal systems. For example, the policy heavily discriminates individuals without the capability to pay large cash bail before pre-trial sessions in the court of law. In light of this, Kamala Harris expounds the reasons why the California legal system needs an amendment to do away with the cash bail system. I. What is the controversy behind the Cash bail policy? A. 1. According to the Article 1, Section 12 of the California State Constitution, the law allows all crime doers to receive a cash bail from the court of laws without any form of objection if at all th ...
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