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University Of California Los Angeles
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Running header: LEADERSHIP STYLE Leadership style Student’s Name Institutional Affiliation Course LEADERSHIP STYLE 2 Introduction Being a leader requires certain skills. In the modern world, being a leader is not an easy task. As a leader, you will be required to plan, organize, lead or control others. The four significant functions of leadership are influencing others, delegating authority, changing strategically and assigning duties and responsibilities. To become a good leader, one must come up with a self-assessment which will provide the strengths and weaknesses. Description of leadership self-assessment Leading people is not an easy task, and different leaders will approach management in different ways. A leader may be authoritarian, delegative, democratic or servant. An authoritarian leader has a lot of control over their subordinates. In addition, an authoritarian leader allows minimal feedback. A delegative leader delegates authority to the team members, in addition to encouraging independence. A democratic leader will always ask for feedback in addition to allowing the team members make their own decisions. However, the leader must take full responsibility for his team’s oversight. Finally, a servant leader is one who focuses on supporting the team members and ask what people need (Hersey, 2007). The assessment First scenario Assume that your team is given a big project which is due in two weeks’ time. Each team member must therefore contribute fully. Whi ...
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