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Memory Storage

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Palm Beach State College
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Running Head: DISCUSSION POST 1 Discussion Post Name Institution Affiliation DISCUSSION POST 2 Discussion Post: Memory Storage The Atkinson-Shiffrin Theory argues that the memory of human beings consists of several components that facilitate how people retain information throughout a given duration. It goes on to suggest that what makes up this multi-compartment model is the sensory register and, the short and long-term stores. The sensory register is responsible for the retention of all types of sensory information. Here, Atkinson and Shiffrin suggest two primary kinds of memories commonly collected. Firstly, iconic, otherwise known as visual memory, refers to the type of information a person encounters through their field of vision. It is, however, worth noting that this information does not go through additional processing. Echoic memory, on the other hand, refers to that which registers through the auditory system (Health Research Funding, 2019). It could be several aspects of a sound varying in intensity, pitch, or tempo. The sensory register can retain this information for up to 20 seconds. Short term memory refers to the temporary storage area which retains information ...
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