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Article Analysis

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Running head: ARTICLE ANALYSIS 1 Article analysis Name of the student Institution Name of the Professor Submission Date ARTICLE ANALYSIS 2 The most fascinating fact with the tax system in the United States is that the first Income Tax occurred during the Civil War but up to now, only a few individuals in the U.S pay their taxes fairly. In this regard, more than 44% of the Americans do not pay any federal income tax. Also, most of the top earning individuals in the U.S pay less than 20% of their total income. In regards to this fact and statistics, this paper seeks to analyse the article, “A Tax System Stacked Against the 99 Percent” by JOSEPH E. STIGLITZ. The analysis of various rhetorical tools used in the article and the subtext of the article, the assessment of the cultural text of the writing and the critics about the author’s job will be done in this analysis. First, it is important to note that Stiglitz did an amazing job in analysing the tax system in America. The author uses various rhetorical tools in the article an aspect that makes the article rich and appealing. First, the author starts by quoting an example of statement of principle issued by Mrs. Helmsley ...
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