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Keystone National High School
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Running head: ANALYZING SHORT STORY Historical Context of A&P Name Institution 1 ANALYZING SHORT STORY 2 Historical Context of A&P The period of the 1960s marked a significant point in America's social life with the country witnessing generational conflict between young people who wanted to embrace modernity and the older generation who believed on the old established social ways. The short story A& p is an example of a piece of writing that clearly shows the generational conflict that rocked the country during this period. In this story, the author gives an account of a young man Sammy how works as a cashier in a supermarket. One day, three young ladies come to the supermarket half-dressed putting on a just swimsuit. Along with everyone else in the supermarket, Sammy is intrigued and watches every move of these ladies. The short story A& P is, therefore, a version of the mythology that defined the 1960s in which youthful rebels began taking on the soulless system. For instance, "In walked these three girls in nothing but bathing suits. I'm in the third check-out slot with my back on the door, so I don't see them they are over the breed." This statement by Sammy describes the ...
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