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Conspirarcy Theories

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Jefferson College of Health Sciences
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Running head: CONSPIRACY THEORIES 1 Conspiracy Theories Student Name University Course Title Date CONSPIRACY THEORIES 2 Conspiracy Theories Impact of the Changing Media Landscape on the Consequences of Disasters Digitalization and the development of new communication technologies have changed the traditional view of media. With channels such as YouTube and the increasingly important number of information website, information is popularized and any independent individual can be a contributor to this information network. Indeed, currently, the American media landscape is made up of corporate media channels and independent websites among which some are very influential with more than one million visitors every day (Hopwood & Schutte, 2017). In contexts of disasters, the new media landscape has been very extremely helpful in that it has allowed the world to see videos, and hear testimonies and stories of unbelievable events. Without independent contributions, disaster victims would have not been found again or rescued. However, the independent nature of the new media landscape is turning into a machine out of control which psychologically destroys the victims of disasters. The mo ...
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