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Ohio State University
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Running head: EXPERT JUDGMENT 1 Expert Judgment Student’s Name Instructor’s Name Course Date EXPERT JUDGMENT 2 Expert Judgment Various projects have been started within the company, but they have failed to go off during execution. According to the fact analysis conducted within the company, the main issues that prevent these project from taking off include inconsistencies during budget estimation and insufficient budget controls. As a result of these problems, the senior management within the company believes that developing as well as introducing a set of standard control process when planning and executing the project to improve the success rate. Also, this problem can be addressed through expert judgment whereby a judgment is done based on certain criteria or expertise that a person has acquired within a particular knowledge area, product area, application area, or industry to predict future events and how to deal with them when they occur. When carrying out expert judgment, there is a work break down (WBS) that has to be followed. Work Break Down structure refers to the method whereby a project is divided into different sections so that it can be managed easily. Various steps have to be followed to achieve the work break down structure. The first step is to identify the most important elements of the scope so that the allocation of budget and other resources can be done effectively. The second step in the Work Break Down structure is to decide on the most approp ...
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