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Necessity Of A Competition Ans

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West Los Angeles College
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Running head: COMPETITION 1 Necessity of a Competition Student’s name Institutional affiliation COMPETITION 2 Human beings possess the inherent nature of competing. Every human beings life revolves around competition. From schools, work, sports, and politics, all revolve around race, and without it, motivation ceases to exist. Ignoring competition is like running away from life itself. Indeed, that is so since all the fundamentals of life are all determined by who is the best in a particular sector, field, job, or sporting activities. Thus, it is difficult to run away from life; instead, it is vital to face life, accept competition, and thrive on being the best. No competition recognizes the last. It is only in exceptional cases where the last are considered. However, the necessity and the efficacy of competition are immeasurable since it is a pillar towards motivation just as Sievert acknowledges in her newsletter (Sievert, 2001). Since the introduction of education and its establishment in buildings called schools, competition emerged in the educational sector. Many people love it more than they hate it. It is the only sector where people compete in a lifetime. From kinde ...
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