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20190625131036factors That Influence Learning 1

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Cuyamaca College
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Running Head: FACTORS THAT INFLUENCE LEARNING Factors That Influence Learning Student’s Name Instructor Institutional Affiliation Date 1 FACTORS THAT INFLUENCE LEARNING 2 1) One example of classical conditioning from my life is that I often reflexively reach for my cell phone when I hear a ringtone that is similar to mine. Here, the unconditioned stimulus is my cellphone’s ringtone, and my unconditioned response will be reaching for the device whenever I hear a chime that is similar to mine. Upon noting the tone, I can categorize it as one that is similar to mine and thus respond by reaching for my cell phone. Classical conditioning is what leads dogs to salivate whenever they hear the sound of a bell after learning that the sound signifies the presence of food (Andover, 2013). 2) One practical example of operant conditioning from my life is when I work overtime on a part-time job during summer. The additional income that I receive due to working extra hours during the week is what motivates me to work for more hours each day. The behavior of working extra hours leads to the positive consequence of me receiving more pay at the end of the week, and this can be termed as ...
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