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Panhandling Under The Dc Law....

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Running head: PANHANDLING UNDER THE DC LAW Panhandling Under the DC Law Student’s Name University Affiliation Date 1 PANHANDLING UNDER THE DC LAW 2 Definition of Panhandling According to the District of Columbia law (Chapter 23. Panhandling., 1993), under the “Panhandling Control Act of 1993,” panhandling is defined as the acts of soliciting alms, asking, or begging money and other things of value aggressively. In the panhandling law of DC, aggressive manner is described as speaking to, following, or approaching a person in a way that would cause a sane and ordinary person to fear harm or the commission of criminal Act upon the person/property. It is also defined as touching other people without their consent to ask for alms among different definitions in the entirety of the panhandling law of the District of Columbia. The acts of panhandling, that is, asking, begging, and soliciting alms includes written, spoken, or printed word or other such actions conducted to obtain an immediate donation of things of values or money (Library, 1993). In its definition of the criminal acts of panhandling, subsection three of the Act defines the following prohibited activities. When a ...
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