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Information Collaboraion

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Leeds Metropolitan University
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ENHANCING INFORMATION COLLABORATION Name Institution affiliation Date ENHANCING INFORMATION COLLABORATION The federal government in the united states of America grants rights and conditions to the selfgovernments at the state and local level. However, scandals that require emergency response arise at times and they require the intervention of the federal government. Such crises have created the need for advanced communication between organizations in the federal and local levels. Responding to a lot of information that is in diverse forms might be challenging especially when determining which specific information to share, the organization to share with and the best way to share the information. Furthermore, threats posed by criminal groups towards security organs put them at risk increasing the need for collaboration in information sharing. As evident from the recent Boston bombings, both the federal and the state governments have recorded improvement in communication collaboration. The state government together with the local government responded to the attack collaboratively by using video, voice and images to stalk the attackers. The first move by the government that ensures ...
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