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Troy University
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Surname 1 Name Instructor’s name Course code Date Captain America: A Masterpiece I love Captain America. It is a statement that I tell myself each time I decide to refresh my memories of the film by investing countless hours watching the film over and over again. At times, I wonder whether it is because of the word ‘America’ in the title of the film because honestly, I love this country, despite its shortcomings. There have been assertions that Captain America, especially the ‘Civil War’ edition is a dramatic film overflowing with vengeful inclinations but this only serves to highlight the idea of the film. The idea of the film is that there is an ability to cause more debate to the audience, without seeking to cause any judgments. One of the main traits of modern films and technology is that the valid accusation of disregarding the value and importance of dialogue. However, Captain America has been termed as “…a very dialogue driven film. The drama displayed in the film is masterful and gives a lot of characters a range of depth, in most cases humanizing them further, showing that these heroes acknowledge the consequences of their actions and have been shaped by them ...
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