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Running Head: ANSWERS 1 Answers Institutional Affiliation Date ANSWERS 2 7.1) The Basic Building Block of 802.11 WLAN? The tiniest building block of the wireless LNA is that essential service set, and also which is the BSS. It is made up of wireless terminals or stations that carry out similar MAC protocol as well as contesting for means of entry to the similar joint wireless arrangement. 7.2) Prolonged Service Set A lengthened service set is made up of two essential service sets or even more, and are intertwined through an allocation or dispersion order. The prolonged service comes out as sole coherent LNA to that unified connection command (LLC) stage or level. 7.3) IEEE 802.11 Services The first one is authentication which is used in defining a swap between the user and the AS, which gives a shared authentication and also produces keys that only last for a short while for usage between a customer and an access point over the particular wireless connection. The second service is the access command, which reinforces that usage of authentication operation via routing messages correctly and even assisting the progress of key exchange. It can operate with different authentication codes or rules of conduct (Stallings et al., 2012). The secrecy with the message honor is the last service whereby MAC-level information is encoded together with a message honor code, which makes sure the essential data, is unchanged. 7.4) Is a Dispersion System a Wireless Network? A dispersion o ...
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