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Reader Response

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University of Western Australia
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Running head: READER RESPONSE Reader Response Name Institution READER RESPONSE 2 Reader Response Hills like white elephants The author presents the story using two characters, the American, who tries desperately to convince a girl to undergo an abortion procedure even though she tends to be reluctant. The girl proves to undergo significant stress as a result of being unsure of what she wants since she is ambivalent of abortion. The American tries to convince her of abortion, “I think it is the best thing for you to do” (Hemingway, 1927). However, the girl alternates between avoiding the topic and wanting to discuss it. The most elementary conflict presented by the author is how two individuals attempt to balance their relationship’s realities and the essential demands of their needs. This conflict points out that both the girl and the American struggle with shared relationship realism and also the primary notion of how their personal freedom is extorted, particularly with their relationship’s constraints. This is explored in the story by drawing out a gender-driven situation such that both the woman and the man have different opinions on their relationship as well as t ...
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