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Family Health Doc.edited

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Health & Medical
Florida National University
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Running Head: HEALTH AND MEDICAL Family Health Assessment Student’s Name Institutional Affiliation Date Instructor’s Name 1 HEALTH AND MEDICAL 2 The family I interviewed was comprised of three members, including a father, mother, and their seven-year-old son. The three members belonged to the African American community and have been residing in Florida for over ten years. Unfortunately, John (the father) had been involved in a tragic accident a month, causing him a severe injury in his left leg. As a result, he has been forced to sit in a wheelchair until his condition has improved. This condition has also affected their financial status because of the high cost of treatment. During the interview, he expressed his worries for the family since he had been their breadwinner. John had been doing manual jobs in a shoemaking factory for over ten years before the accident. He also revealed that the low wages he received from his employer were unable to meet their needs. Although John has not traveled much after the accident, he revealed that he had developed a fear of driving a car. The most worrying aspect, according to John, is that he has developed a feeling of worthlessness due to his inability to provide for the family. As a result, this condition has made him distance himself from his family, thus ruining the communication within the family. I also noticed that he had difficulties attending to my questions, sometimes forcing me to repeat them (Edelman & Mandle, 2010 ...
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