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Section 1: Lesson Preparation Teacher Candidate Name: Grade Level: Date: Unit/Subject: Instructional Plan Title: Literacy Skills Lesson Plan Lesson Summary and The lesson involves teaching the students about literacy skills and how to Focus: appropriately identify and develop the learners’ literacy skills. The students will be exposed to various learning styles which include reading, writing, auditory, visual, and tactical or a combination of two or more styles. Classroom and Student The students are diverse with various capabilities whereby, some are fast Factors/Grouping: learners and performs well in the reading and writing learning system. However, some students learn best through observations and visualizing while others have very good listening skills. As a result, there is need to structure the learning system in a way that suits all learners whereby, classroom system of reading and writing is incorporated as well as other learning styles by engaging students on object observation and visualized responses and assessing the learners literacy skills on multidimensional scale of reading, writing, speaking, listening and viewing. National/State Learning The state has outlined various educational standards that act as a guide on the Standards: learning goals on what every student should know and be able to do at every grade level. The state outlines the educational standards which include the common core but allows the local communities to choose their own c ...
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