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The Criminals Won.

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Running Head: THE CRIMINALS WON 1 The Criminals Won Name Institution THE CRIMINALS WON 2 The Criminals Won Introduction The purpose of having encrypted data and files is to maintain a high level of security and protect private files, data, and information for a company. Nonetheless, negative hacking is a common problem and challenge to government parastatals and private companies too. The purpose of a hack is to access the encrypted files for a company in a bid to get to the most secretive information the company has either to expose the company or unlawful deeds that happen at the background of a company. Other hacks, however, aim at blackmailing and defaming a company for the sake of material gain from the company so as not to release the company’s private information (Pearlson, Saunders & Galletta, 2016). Nonetheless, it is expected of every company to have an access control system and measures to curb the hacks. Access control is a risk minimization plan and procedure that aims at reducing the rate at which unauthorized access to company information happens. Moreover, access control systems make sure that any securities breach either physical, digital or online have bee ...
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