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Topic 8 Dq 7 A

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Running Head: TOPIC 8 DQ 7 1 Topic 8DQ 7 Name Course Date 2 TOPIC 8 DQ 7 Topic 8 DQ 7 In healthcare research, the researcher in question needs to ensure that the approach used in collecting data may enable them to collect high-level data that may have an impact on the decision made in this sector (Green & Thorogood, 2018). Statistical significance in health research increases the likelihood of the truth of the involved study. You present a valid example to support your argument in including CHG to have the ability to decrease the rate of CLABSI. I agree with your statement that clinical significance refers to the subjective interpretations of research findings that a researcher may get that may have the likelihood to influence the behavior of the provider. There are different approaches that one can use to improve the efficiency of the healthcare sector (Sallis, Owen & Fisher, 2018) ...
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