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Demand Management Plan For Wild Dog Coffee Company

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Running Head: DEMAND MANAGEMENT PLAN FOR WILD DOG COFFEE COMPANY 1 Demand Management Plan For Wild Dog Coffee Company Name Instructor Institutional Affiliation Date DEMAND MANAGEMENT PLAN FOR WILD DOG COFFEE COMPANY 2 The impact of advertising on product demand Product advertising is essential to any company since it helps in improving and increasing consumer awareness about the product and its underlying benefits. Companies advertise their products to increase the demand by stimulating consumer awareness of the product including its underling pros and cons. Through advertising consumers are able to understand more about the product and its underlying features. In other words, advertising affects demand by building a desire for the product or service in the mind of the consumers. It is imperative to note that advertising is away to engage the consumers and educate them about the product and why they should buy the product and its competitors. It builds brand awareness and informs the consumers about the products and services including their benefits and underlying effects on the consumers (Christopher, 2016). A well-structured advertising campaign can help business increase the demand for their offerings. On the same note, if the advertising campaign is not well structured then its returns may not be sustainable. From the information provided by the Wild Dog Coffee Company’s sales chart, it is worth noting that indeed advertising helps in increasing the overall sales o ...
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