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Auburn University-Montgomery
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Running head: TALENT IDENTIFICATION PROJECT Talent Identification Project Name Institution 1 TALENT IDENTIFICATION PROJECT 2 Strengths and skill identification is a key determinant in the performance of most people. Most parents and institutions would marvel at identifying the special talents and skills that students possess. Where would one be if they identified their strengths early enough? That is a question that lingers in most people's mind. One problem witnessed in schools and education systems today is the lack of structures to identify and develop skills and talents. There is a growing concern about how special talent nurturing can be integrated into schools today. (Yee & Myers, 2017). The social and academic pressure witnessed in schools today predominantly arise from the failure in understanding students and their needs. Schools systems are mostly set on an assumption of the level of talents and individual skills of students. The focus on a predefined system without consideration of individual talents leads to loss of special talents. Skills and talents are easily developed and nurtured at a young age especially among school students. Few institutions have strength and talent identification mechanisms making the problem an area of focus. The project established is focused on talent identification and development in schools. The short timeline of initiating the program means that the project is to be implemented in one school targeting junior levels of education ...
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