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Improving Patient Quality

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Running Head: Risk Management Programs 1 Journal Reflection: Improving Patient Quality Name of student Institutional Affiliation Date Risk Management Programs 2 Proactive v. React Prevention Programs Many organizations try to provide quality services through minimizing and avoiding risks which are common in daily activities. In healthcare services, risk management receives a high priority because it involves the well-being of human beings, and any mistake could result in death or adverse body complications. Another significant risk for healthcare organizations is breaching of healthcare data, which might cost a lot of loses for resources and time. Therefore, it is critical for many organizations to ensure that they have a comprehensive plan for risk management. There are two ways that healthcare use to eliminate or remove risks, proactive prevention programs, or reactive prevention programs (NEJM Catalyst, 2018). The two risk prevention programs have a different impact on healthcare services depending on the many demographical factors of an organization to provide a continuous quality improvement (CQI). It is essential to get an in-depth understand of what each one means, their differences, possibility, and the inability of co-existing, and clinical distinctions to know which is favorable in a specific healthcare organization. Differences Proactive risk prevention is closed-loop feedback and adaptive approach that is drawn from observations and measurements of cur ...
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