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Running head: A REVIEW ARTICLE 1 A Review Article Student’s Name Institutional Affiliation Date A REVIEW ARTICLE 2 The two articles, Booming Africa and State Capitalism, examine economic changes in various regions. Various study works have recently been showing changes in economic patterns in various certain countries and regions. Such changes are proving that certain regions that have been economically lagging have found solutions leading them to economic growth. Some regions were being undermined due to lack of economic stability. However, following recent studies, some of such regions are emerging with high forces and attaining excellent stabilities economically. This paper reviews the two articles addressing how African region and countries with state-run economies have been having a significant increase in their economic stabilities, unlike what was the expectation of economists in recent past. Africa has had a new story regarding its economy. The story is about progress, growth, profitability, and potential in the economy of its member countries. Various countries in the region make part of the fastest growing economies globally. Following the current rate of growth ...
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