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Method Rsearch

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Kirkwood Community College
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1 Running head: RESEARCH Research on Research Name Institutional Affiliation 2 RESEARCH Research on Research From the research done, research alludes to the detailed and careful study into particular issue, concern, and problem utilizing the specific methodology. It can closely be related to the science fair endeavors which are carried out in elementary school level, where individuals learn the concepts by carrying out experiments. This is effectively completed by formulating the research question, with the aim of providing answers to the question. The research can be about any issue (Moore, 2012). From the research done, it is apparent that the research depends on the area or subject of study. For example, research in psychology and biology may be different from the one carried out in community studies and sociology. The scientific research has a general outline which should be followed to effectively come up with sound results. In order to become a better researcher, the following things need to be done. The first step is to go through the literature review of the past studies to gain insight on your topic of study. After narrowing my reading to various subtopics, I will gain a big picture on the topic and thus study about it effectively. The second way is to aim at the contribution of knowledge in the topic of study, as a good researcher, I will as much as possible avoid the questions which had been researched before (Toledo-Pereyra, 2012). The other way is by learning ...
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