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ANSWERS IN BOLD 1. How an individual views a controversial issue depends on their ________, character, and values. a. ethics b. personality c. job d. social status 2. The police culture often exalts _______ over integrity. a. ethics b. morals c. loyalty d. arrests 3. The quality of judges determines the _______ of justice. a. swiftness b. quality c. need d. care 4. All but which of the following are examples of confidential employees in the courts? a. bailiffs b. court reporters c. law clerks d. security screeners 5. The obligation of a deputy sheriff to be loyal to his or her sheriff is an example of _________ loyalty. a. selective b. personal c. integrated d. institutional 6. Because of the expectation of loyalty to their supervisors, in extreme cases, practitioners may find themselves ______. a. lying under oath b. supporting cover-ups c. justifying untruths d. all of the above 7. Violations of policy by criminal justice employees may involve a broad range of issues such as: a. substance abuse b. insubordination c. lack of punctuality d. all of the above 8. A system of early detection regarding problems with personnel is known as ______. a. early intervention b. early warning system c. early detection d. officer watch 9. The doctrine of respondeat superior means ______. a. the police should respond immediately to every call for service b. “very important” c. “let the master answer” d. a personal response to a crime victim’s call is superior to a telephone respo ...
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