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Running head: FREE WILL AND DETERMINISM Free Will and Determinism Name Institutional Affiliations 1 FREE WILL AND DETERMINISM 2 Free Will and Determinism Determinism and free will are highly debated with the main concern as to which among those who believe in determinism versus those who uphold free will to provide the basis for morality and moral responsibility. The rationale here is that while free will is known to determine a personal sense of moral liability for action or inaction, determinism is also said to define what we will consider as right or wrong (Gallois & Inwagen, 1977). The predicament here is that there are those that think determinism to be compatible with free will in the sense that they consider that moral responsibility emerges from having the free will to act and making a choice on the best course of action based on predetermined reasons. However, there are those that argue against such compatibility claiming determinism as bearing quite an ambiguous claim primarily defined by the universe itself. As such, there is usually a question of consequence, and thus the compatibilist considers the outcome prior while the incompatibilist considers moral responsibility to emerge from the circumstances of free will. Moral responsibility is an essential aspect of the argument about the compatibility or incompatibility of free will and determinism. The rationale here is that there is no argument on determinism nor free will without invoking the notions of what ...
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