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20190627111421women Aged 25

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Utica College
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Running head: Risk levels of developing blood clots associated with different contraceptives Women aged 25-40 who take oral contraceptives are at greater risk for developing blood clots compared with women ages 25-40 who use IUDs for contraception over a 5 year time frame: Name: Institution affiliation: Date: 1 Risk levels of developing blood clots associated with different contraceptives 2 Women aged 25-40 who take oral contraceptives are at greater risk for developing blood clots compared with women ages 25-40 who use IUDs for contraception over a 5 year time frame The changing roles of women in society led to the need for planned pregnancies. One way women are able to plan when they ought to get pregnant is through the use of contraception. In the United States, birth control pills are the leading method of preventing unwanted pregnacies. However, despite the fact that birth control pills are beneficial in terms of enabling women to avoid unwanted pregnancies, they have been attributed having harmful effects on a person’s health. According to James (2017), health risks women are exposed to when using certain types of contraceptives include VTE (venous thromboembolism), which refers to blood clots that occur in the veins such as the deep vein thrombosis , and Pulmonary embolism, which is a blood clot that has travelled to a person’s lungs. It is for this reason that, the American congress of obstetricians and gynecologists recommends that women should always discu ...
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