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Surname 1 Name Professor Course Date The Ethics of Surveillance Alfred Hitchcock’s Rear Window (1954) presents a dilemma on the ethics of voyeurism and at the basic level, watching others. With the main character Jeff having been stuck in his bed due to his injury, all he does is watch other people through his rear window and this later leads to a scuffle unearthing a murder and leading to an arrest. The main dilemma in this film is in the morality of what Jeff does; watching others in their private space. As a society that upholds privacy and confidentiality, the modern society is definitely opposed to spying against their will and the exceptions for this are very few. Moreover, the film’s focus on the look and how the individual interacts with his ‘objects’ presents another controversy. Rear Window presents the dilemma associated with a viewer’s objectification of others and the morality of unauthorized surveillance on people. The first aspect of watching that comes across in this film is the objectification of the viewer’s subjects. In this film, the aspect of watching others places Jeff in a position whereby he can enjoy his hobby and indeed his career of photograph ...
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