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Running Head: ACHIEVEMENT 1 Achievement Institutional Affiliation Student Name Date ACHIEVEMENT 2 Achievement Achievement is the completion of a challenging task successfully. To achieve, one needs to practice tolerance, patience, and perseverance. Achievement is not easy for a person who gives up quickly or a person who is not hard working (Salomon & Kolikant, 2016). So far, my greatest achievement is being ranked among the best in writing contest back in high school. I remember my teacher notifying us that there was a writing contest in school and therefore would wish every one of us to participate. At first, I hesitated since I have never written anything. I also thought that I did not have what it takes to participate in the contest. However, I decided to give it a trial. I started researching on how to write for contests. The explanation seemed straight forward, but it was not as easy as it sounded when I started writing. In the first days, I was very enthusiastic, and I immersed myself in writing. After writing a few paragraphs, my head could not think of anything else to write. I was also so exhausted. I gave up and confessed that I would never write again. The situati ...
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