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Environmental Science
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Running Head: Introduction To Environmental Science Summer Introduction to environmental science summer Institutional affiliation Date 1 Introduction to environment science summer Which soil would you feel gritty? c Which soil has minimal water infiltration? c Which soil has most large particles sizes? b Which soil is composed mostly of small particles? a Which is considered loam? b 2 Introduction to environment science summer 3 Why does Jared Diamond consider agriculture to be human’s worst environmental disaster? How does agriculture impact the environment in regards to soils, water and biodiversity? Jared Diamond regard farming activities as the worst environmental disaster due to various reason, which includes the farming method, the chemical used and machinery used for farming, which influences the environment. He considers uses of chemical like nitrogen fertilizer which produces afro toxin chemical when exposed to water, which will be harmful to water animals. There is the various impact of the environment on agriculture, which will depend on diverse farming activities on the earth ecosystem. The climate varies in a wide variety of farming activities practised a ...
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