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Articles Discussion Amazon Wal Mart And Medical In India

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Surname 1 Student’s Name Professor Course Date New Low-Cost Surgical Tool Could Help Patients in Third World: • Describe the innovation process leading to the development of the Xenoscope – the lowcost laparoscope. Xenoscope creation idea came to John Langell when he used his iPhone flashlight to look for his clothes when he was called for a surgery one night (Beck). The Xenoscope is an affordable surgical tool that allows the surgeons to see the inside of a person’s body without physically cutting a person open. • How does it fit the needs of emerging markets? Affordable healthcare is a rising need in the current economy and hence the creation of a low cost laparoscope fits in the emerging needs category. The laparoscope allows surgeries to be conducted at affordable prices as the surgeons uses the available resources to conduct the surgeries, for example, smartphones which are affordable to many people. • What product development principles can you draw from this example for product innovation for emerging markets? Surname 2 Empowerment of the people in the area of innovation is key for the innovation to effectively function. John Langell has taken it upon him ...
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