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Metacognition Discussion

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ashford university
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Running head: METACOGNITION DISCUSSION Metacognition Discussion Student’s Name Institutional Affiliation 1 METACOGNITION DISCUSSION 2 Metacognition Discussion Being an intentional learner has significantly enhanced my capabilities in several aspects. As intentional learner metacognition has become ingrained in my learning activities, which I believe has played an essential role in getting my mind into various tasks. According to Hacker 2017, metacognition boosts learning by enabling students to comprehend how they learn best. One exciting thing that I have realized is that my progress to becoming a better intentional learner improves as a lay more focus on the metacognition steps and apply them accordingly. My adherence and implementation of various metacognitive stages have been gradual, and so far, I score averagely on most of them. In the planning phase, which constitutes mulling, connecting, and rehearsing steps, I utilize the mulling and connecting steps with ease. Mainly I find it easy to get my mind in a task and understand it before I progress any further which are activities described in mulling. The connecting stage plays a critical role in enabling me to contempl ...
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