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Tulsa Community College
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Running head: HITCHCOCK MOVIES: REAR WINDOW Hitchcock movies: Rear Window Student’s name Institution of Affiliation Date 1 HITCHCOCK MOVIES: REAR WINDOW 2 Hitchcock movies: Rear Window For this essay, I choose to write on Rear Window (1954) an American suspenseful story film directed by Alfred Hitchcock and written by John Michael Hayes based. The storyline is based on 1942 short story by the name "It Had to Be Murder” Cornell Woolrich's. Among Hitchcock's movies, scholars, critics and filmgoers describe it as one of the best and most celebrated films ever made by the filmmaker (Benton, 1984). The film has received numerous awards in several platforms and known of being historically, culturally and aesthetically significant. The film ‘Rear Window’ is an excellent movie that displays the beauty and talent with a combination of character in any of the film’s scenes. For instance, Liza is a lovely feminine character struggling in marriage because of having doubts about her marriage. She displays great characteristic aspects as she is willing to go to great heights to make her marriage life work. From the movies, plot summary, the film primarily describes the underlying ...
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