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Running head: MID-TERM EXAM 1 Mid Term Exam Institutional Affiliation Date MID-TERM EXAM 2 Multiple Choice Questions 1.) A software company has a high turnover rate. What staffing strategy would be most appropriate? A) hiring people with the potential to be promoted over a period of years B) hiring people quickly even if their skills are not as high as required C) slowing down the hiring process to try to find better recruits D) filling vacancies quickly with people who are able to perform with minimal job training 2.) An FTE is defined as: A) a full-time equivalent employee B) an independent contractor working at least 36 hours per week C) an applicant that is searching for work on a full time basis C) a plan for recruiting full-time workers 3.) Janson Engineering has found it difficult to recruit experienced project managers to lead its many projects. Which of the following would be a proactive action that may help close current and future gaps? A) adjusting the mix of employees versus contractors B) working with local universities and colleges to create courses that focus on project management skills C) source candidates from similar industries with project management skills D) all of the above 2 MID-TERM EXAM 3 E) A & B only 4.) Which of the following is not a step in workforce planning? A) look at internal and external factors to estimate job demand B) calculate the replacement need C) look to the future for redundancies D) conduct a strategy meeting to ana ...
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