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Running head: BIBLE 1 Biblical Narrative Name of Student Institution Affiliation BIBLE 2 Biblical Narrative Creation The Bible shows that God made man in His own image. The man was further commanded by God to take dominion of all other creatures and of the plants and the fields. God's main intention was to have man live in peace and to be kind to all other people. Still, Shelly and Arlene (2006) show that man was God's love since when God made the man he exclaimed that his work was very good. The two authors note that God had not said the same concerning other creatures. Fall Despite the much love and comfort that God gave to man, Adam and Eve \ went against God's wishes and commands. Adam defied God by eating the fruit, which he had been warned not to eat, causing all men to be condemned to a curse of hard labor and women to be relegated to the predicament of labor pains. Consequently, all men are now sinners. Redemption God's love never ceased as He still desired to see the man back in his former glory. Many illnesses, murders, diseases plagued man during his fall that God devised a way of saving man. He sent his son Jesus to come to earth and die for man’s sin. Jesus ros ...
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